2 Ways You Can Save The Great Lakes
03 March, 2022
Monday kicked off Great Lakes Week, have you heard about it? The Great Lakes are a precious resource that those in Michigan and around the world appreciate. The largest source of fresh water on Earth, these lakes provide irrigation and life for several ecosystems. From swimming to fishing, to drinking, residents of Michigan have experienced the best of these bodies of water. So how can we protect them for future generations?
A Brief History
Composed of five separate lakes, Superior, Huron, Erie, Michigan, and Ontario, the Great Lakes were created by gradual glacial melt. The melt combined with large natural formations created the perfect conditions for the gorgeous lakes we have today. Traders traversed these waters carrying fur, timber, and more. These waters have also supplied populations with food and irrigation for centuries. Currently, the Great Lakes account for 20% of the world's freshwater supply. And thus, it is important to keep the lakes at their optimum health and capacity for generations to come.
Fertilizer Runoff
Algae blooms have become the new norm in the Great Lakes. This overgrowth limits the oxygen in the water that ecosystems need to thrive. Fish and other water wildlife are being choked out by this phenomenon. Wonder what causes it? Fertilizer runoff is a big contributor to algae blooms. Fertilizer contains a large amount of phosphorus, which seeps into the water. The fertilizer runoff stems from agricultural production, but also from yards of homes just like yours. Reduce your fertilizer use and help the Great Lakes stay healthy this year.
Stop Water Waste
An easy way to preserve the fresh water supply is to limit water waste in your own home. There are several easy ways to cut your consumption and at the same time save you money on your monthly water bill!
Cut shower times in half. The average 12-minute shower takes up 30 gallons of water. If you limit that to only six, think of how many thousands of gallons per year you're saving!
Place a water bottle in your toilet tank. Fill a water bottle, 16 or 20oz, with a heavy material like sand or rocks. Seal and place inside your toilet tank. This helps to reduce the amount of water you use with each flush without having to replace your appliance.
Soak your lawn. Instead of running your sprinklers multiple times a day for short amounts of time, try every other day for a longer period. This deep soaks the lawn and allows the water to penetrate into the roots where plants need it most. You otherwise run the risk of water evaporation, and therefore water waste. Learn more about how to have a lower matinence lawn with our easy gardening tips for spring!
Even if you do not live near a Great Lake, we can still recognize the importance of keeping our freshwater supply healthy and hearty. These simple steps make a big difference when individuals and communities alike agree to think about the betterment of the future. Here at Kratos Gas & Power, our parent company has recently committed to carbon neutrality across 13 states. We hope to leave the world a better place than how we entered it. Keep checking back to the Kratos Gas Blog for more sustainable lifestyle tips.